Monday, February 06, 2006

Getting involved

There are a few ways to get involved. If you are in Nicaragua, or are planning to be, and would like to stay with the Padilla family on their farm, please contact me at Vicente and his family feel more protected when accompanied and it shows McEwan the support which Vicente has.

Currently there is a major need for economic support for Vicente's family and the two peasant families helping them on the farm. Since McEwan's workers came in on Dec. 29th and 30th and took all the coffee berries on the disputed part of the property, Vicente has lost all of that income; money he counted on for the upcoming year.

Therefore, he is in need on financial support to pay his lawyer, to send his children to school, to travel from the farm to Matagalpa and Managua to meet with human rights activists, journalists, and lawyers, and money just to work the farm. We feel that this amount comes to about $ 300 dollars per month.

Any contribution, no matter how small, is urgently needed and gratefully accepted.

To make a financial contribution, 100% of which will go directly to the family, please send a check to Lillian Hall. Please earmark the check: Vicente Padilla case.

Lillian Hall
AP. 5391


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